How to Add SEO-Friendly FAQ Schema to Your Framer Site

Sep 1, 2023

Google Search Rich Results Test
Google Search Rich Results Test
Google Search Rich Results Test

FAQ schema helps search engines display your frequently asked questions (FAQs) directly in search results, making your site more informative and engaging.

Let's dive into how you can add FAQ schema to your Framer site.

What is FAQ Schema?

FAQ schema is a special way to format your FAQs so that search engines understand and display them better.

By using FAQ schema, you provide structured information about your FAQs, which can be shown as rich snippets in search results.

Adding FAQ Schema to Framer

Step 1: Setting Up in CMS

In your Framer CMS, create special fields for your questions and answers using plain text format.

For example, you can label them as "FAQ Question 1" and "FAQ Answer 1."
Repeat this for as many questions as you have.

Step 2: Insert the Code:

You'll need to insert this code into your Framer site using the custom code feature of the CMS.

To format the field into JSON, you'll use this syntax: {{FAQ Question 1 | json}}.

For more detailed information about this syntax, you can refer to Structured Data using JSON-LD for SEO.

Here's the basic code structure you'll use:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "FAQPage",
  "mainEntity": [
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": {{FAQ Question 1 | json}},
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": {{FAQ Answer 1 | json}}
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": {{FAQ Question 2 | json}},
      "acceptedAnswer": {
        "@type": "Answer",
        "text": {{FAQ Answer 2

Step 3: Verify with the Rich Results Test

Rich Results Test

After adding the code, it's time to check if your FAQ schema is set up correctly.
Google's Rich Results Test tool can help you verify that your schema is working as intended.

Important Note
Remember, you must have the same number of questions and answers for this method to work.

Frequently asked questions

What is FAQ schema and why is it important?

FAQ schema is a structured way to present your frequently asked questions (FAQs) to search engines. It helps your FAQs show up directly in search results, making your website more informative and attractive to users.

Do I need any technical skills to implement FAQ schema on Framer?

No, you don't need advanced technical knowledge. You can easily add FAQ schema to your Framer site by following a few simple steps outlined in the guide.

How do I prepare my FAQs for schema implementation?

First, compile a list of questions your visitors commonly ask. For each question, create a corresponding answer. This will be the content you'll format using the FAQ schema.

Can I add as many questions and answers as I want?

Yes, you can add as many questions and answers as you'd like. Just ensure that each question has a matching answer and that you maintain a balanced number of questions and answers.

What is the purpose of the code provided in the guide?

The code provided is a special format recognized by search engines. By inserting this code in your Framer site's custom code section, you enable FAQ schema functionality.

How can I check if my FAQ schema is set up correctly?

Google's Rich Results Test tool is your go-to for this task. It's like a QA checker for your FAQ schema. Simply input your website's URL, and the tool will confirm if everything is properly configured for your FAQs to shine in search results.

What is FAQ schema and why is it important?

FAQ schema is a structured way to present your frequently asked questions (FAQs) to search engines. It helps your FAQs show up directly in search results, making your website more informative and attractive to users.

Do I need any technical skills to implement FAQ schema on Framer?

No, you don't need advanced technical knowledge. You can easily add FAQ schema to your Framer site by following a few simple steps outlined in the guide.

How do I prepare my FAQs for schema implementation?

First, compile a list of questions your visitors commonly ask. For each question, create a corresponding answer. This will be the content you'll format using the FAQ schema.

Can I add as many questions and answers as I want?

Yes, you can add as many questions and answers as you'd like. Just ensure that each question has a matching answer and that you maintain a balanced number of questions and answers.

What is the purpose of the code provided in the guide?

The code provided is a special format recognized by search engines. By inserting this code in your Framer site's custom code section, you enable FAQ schema functionality.

How can I check if my FAQ schema is set up correctly?

Google's Rich Results Test tool is your go-to for this task. It's like a QA checker for your FAQ schema. Simply input your website's URL, and the tool will confirm if everything is properly configured for your FAQs to shine in search results.

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